Friday, 26 February 2010

Spell check is currently unavavailbale.

While waiting for some printing to be done in Mail Boxes Etc the other week, I spotted this excellent sign on the counter. How this could go so horribly wrong I'm not sure. Even when spelled phonetically, I'm pretty certain available doesn't come out as avavailbale, teehee.

Monday, 15 February 2010

Winner of the OWOH Giveaway

Its been a busy few weeks getting through the One World One Heart Giveaway blogs. There were 1105 bloggers from 40 different countries taking part this year, the biggest so far. No doubt next year will be bigger and better.

Big thanks to everyone who commented on this blog, we had 254 entries which is amazing and so much more than expected. The random number generator came up with number 54. Congratulations to Candy from Oregon, USA who runs the lovely Moments in Time blog. I'll contact you direct to get your details and your bracelet will be heading across the pond very soon. Well done.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Valintine's Weekend. Eeeekk!!

Spotted this weekend in Co, Antrim, Northern Ireland. Honestly, how could nobody notice the blazing error in this poster before it went in the window?

By no means am I perfect myself at spelling and grammar, but there are some things that really should be double, and sometimes triple checked. Have a look at this fab blog by the Grammar Vandal for more cringe worthy mistakes.